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Version: 3.x

Key Derivation

The upcoming section will delve into methods for generating cryptographically secure keys from user-provided passwords. This process is crucial because raw passwords are often not secure enough for cryptographic purposes due to their relatively low entropy. By using a key derivation function, we can transform these passwords into secure keys that are suitable for encryption, hashing, or other cryptographic operations.

We will be using Argon2 for this purpose, which is one of the most secure and modern key derivation functions available. Argon2 is specifically designed to resist attacks such as brute force and side-channel attacks by incorporating memory-hard and CPU-intensive computations. This makes it an ideal choice for converting user passwords into robust cryptographic keys.

Derive a key

Method to derive a user supplied key into a cryptographically secure one.


public deriveMasterKey (
masterKey: string | Buffer,
salt: Buffer,
length: number,
): Promise<Buffer>;


masterKey Requiredstring | BufferfalseString or buffer of the key to derive
salt RequiredBufferfalseSalt to increase the security of the key derivation
lengthnumberkdf.outputKeyLengthThe desired derived output key length

Module Parameters:


Internally, this method uses certain parameters that are defined at the module level during initialization, as we have seen previously. The internal parameters used and their corresponding configuration keys are as follows:

  • hashLength: Specifies the length of the resulting derived key. If this option is not provided, then it is set via kdf.outputKeyLength and determines the size of the final hash in bytes.

  • type: Defines the variant of Argon2 to use (argon2i, argon2d, or argon2id). This is configured using kdf.argon2Type.

  • memoryCost: Sets the amount of memory (in KB) that the algorithm will use during the hashing process. This value is determined by kdf.memoryCost and plays a critical role in resisting brute-force attacks.

  • timeCost: Specifies the number of iterations or the amount of computational work Argon2 will perform. It is defined via kdf.timeCost to ensure a balance between security and performance.


As output, it will return a Buffer <Buffer cc a1 08>


async deriveSecureKeyFromMasterKey(
key: string,
): Promise<string> {
const keyBuffer = Buffer.from(key, 'utf-8');
const salt = this.cryptographyService.generateSymmetricKey(128);
const derivedKey = await this.cryptographyService.deriveMasterKey(keyBuffer, salt.export(), 256)
return derivedKey.toString('hex')

🛟 Tips

Remember that...

Remember that buffers could be transformed to utf8, hex, base64, latin,... using the toString() method.

let passwordAsBuffer: Buffer = someMethodThatReturnsABuffer();

console.log(passwordAsBuffer.toString('hex')) // f32.....4ee
console.log(passwordAsBuffer.toString('base64')) // 8OI.....ZQ=